Work will soon begin to remove trees on Woodlake property that have grown into the flight path of the Hilton Head airport. All of the trees to be removed surround the tennis court and pool areas. Woodlake has met with the County and contractors to devise a removal plan that reduces the inconvenience to the nearby villa residents as much as possible. A project of this nature requires a fair amount of large equipment to perform the job. The bulk of the work will require access to the area from the end of the cul-de-sac of units 21 through 30. The units most greatly affected will be 29 and 30. This will require some parking spaces to be roped off during the day and access to the area restricted. No spaces will be blocked at night but will need to be accessible in the mornings and afternoon. Access to the dumpster will be blocked from time to time as equipment is moved in and out of the area but will remain open as much as possible during the project. There is also a tree to be removed near the pool that will require access to the area by the mailboxes in front of the fitness center. While access to the mailboxes will be maintained, the areas will be marked off with flagging tape and cones to direct pedestrian traffic to and from the mailboxes and parking at the pool area will be partially restricted. It may also be necessary to close the pool for a period of time during the removal of this tree for safety purposes. Even if the pool remains open, please note that there will be noise and sawdust blowing in the area. This also applies to the villas nearest to the tennis courts where the bulk of the tree removal will take place.
Again, Woodlake has taken steps to minimize as much as possible the inconvenience to our residents a project of the nature presents. During this project, FOR YOUR SAFETY, we ask all residents to stay clear of the coned, flagged and otherwise marked work areas. We thank you for your cooperation during this project and will strive to ensure it is completed as quickly as possible.